
Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.” Proverbs 14:34

America is in crisis. Our jails are full, and new ones can’t be built fast enough. Our media is filled with violence, profanity, and sexual content. Our marriages and families are falling apart. Our educational system is failing. Far too many of our churches are not making a difference in our decaying society. The scripture has proven to be true: “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

It’s time for Americans to come together and renew our nation! We believe there are core issues critical to long term, positive change in America. If we want change, we must first look back and discover what attitudes and actions have put us where we are today. Then bold steps have to be taken to correct those attitudes and actions.

A study of America’s early history tells of a people driven by the moral conviction of their Christian faith. Pilgrims risked all to get to the New World so that they could worship God in freedom. Ministers boldly led their congregations in understanding that any society which separated itself from the truths of scripture would soon see tyranny as well as social and moral decline. Circuit-riding preachers crisscrossed the fledgling nation calling people to repentance, faith, and freedom. For over a century, school textbooks were the Bible and the New England Primer (a Christian catechism), and God blessed this nation!

America today is far from the America just described. How did it change?




It changed as secular ideas replaced Christian teaching. A biblical concept of God has been slowly removed from society and has left us with the emptiness of secularism. This change has been largely orchestrated in classrooms across America, and it continues today. The bold step needed to bring positive change to America is to once again enter the arena of education and offer every child a Christian worldview!

That’s why your local Christian school and RENEWANATION exist!

Renewanation serves to promote the cause of Christian worldview education by supporting and expanding Christian schools, homeschools, and ministries reaching students in non-Christian schools.


Our Vision:

To see culture transformed by giving millions of children a Christian worldview education.


President & CEO

In 2007, God spoke the vision of Renewanation into his heart and mind. He now works tirelessly to motivate Christians across America to seize the opportunity to help every child receive a Christian worldview education. In 2007, God spoke the vision of Renewanation into his heart and mind. He now works tirelessly to motivate Christians across America to seize the opportunity to help every child receive a Christian worldview education.